make over - définition. Qu'est-ce que make over
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est make over - définition

Make-over; Make over; Girly makeover; Makeovers; Makeunder; Make-under

make over         
Transfer, convey, alienate.
make over         
v. (esp. BE) (B) ('to transfer legally') she made the bonds over to me
If a person or room is given a makeover, their appearance is improved, usually by an expert.
She received a cosmetic makeover at a beauty salon as a birthday gift.
If an organization or system is given a makeover, important changes are made in order to improve it.
The biggest makeover has been in TV drama.



A makeover is a radical change in appearance. When the word is used to describe a change in human physical appearance, it may imply a change in clothing, haircut, or cosmetics. A personal makeover might also include weight loss, plastic surgery, dental veneers, or contact lenses. Sometimes a makeover is used to refer to non-physical things, such as a makeover of character, personality or attitude. It can also refer to a dramatic change in construction, such as when a building is renovated or is refurbished. Makeovers are usually referred to in a positive manner, as a way to start fresh or improve your life.

Exemples de prononciation pour make over
1. to make over women or to make over men,
Legendary Children _ Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez _ Talks at Google
2. can make over to Messi.
Soccermatics _ David Sumpter _ Talks at Google
3. We make over 130 films a year.
Edward James Olmos, Haley Joel Osment & David Strathairn _ Talks at Google
4. People who make over $200,000 a year
Angel - How to Invest in Technology Startups _ Jason Calacanis _ Talks at Google
5. How many transactions will they make over that horizon?
The Customer Playbook _ Peter Fader & Sarah Toms _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour make over
1. The country has hard choices to make over the pace and scope of reform.
2. The overwhelming print clashed with her glamorous make–over and sleek, smoothed–back curls.
3. Opium production topped ',000 tons, enough to make over 880 tons of heroin.
4. So Wolf gives the man from Nazareth what can only be described as a make–over.
5. Make Over My Period One day after the procedure, Cherry felt great.